Ingin mendirikan PT hanya dalam waktu 3 hari? Dapatkan Sekarang Juga!
Your Reliable Investment Assistant in Indonesia

Make investments as easy as 1, 2, 3

Careful planning and understanding of the local regulation come first when you are about making investments in Indonesia. Therefore, we are here for you!

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Your Reliable Investment Assistant in Indonesia

How Easybiz Assists You


Help You Understand Indonesian Regulation

Easybiz conducts research and familiarize yourself with the Indonesian business regulations, domestic economy, and investment opportunities. We help you be well prepared of regulation differences and dynamic business practices in Indonesia.

Provide Continuous Professional Advice

Here at Easybiz, you can consult with local experts and legal professionals who are highly experienced in Indonesian investment regulation landscape. We guide you through legal and regulatory requirements, also the potential risks.

Stay Updated on Indonesian Investment Regulation

Easybiz keeps you informed about the latest foreign investment regulation in Indonesia. Understanding the current regulation can help you make any decisions for your business.

Become Your Trusted Aide in Making Investment

Easybiz assists you from investment licensing to establishing a limited company. We also map out the risks of the licensing system for you and avoid licenses with high risks that require lengthy processes.

Seamless Steps for Making Investment in Indonesia with Easybiz

Don't let any regulatory matters worry you


Document collection

Business name screening

Issuance of Deed of Establishment

Company tax number registration

Business Identification Number acquiring

Congrats! You have established your company!

Discuss Your Needs with Easybiz

Based on your needs, our team will give you comprehensive guidance to prepare your private limited companies establishment. No need to worry. Easybiz has assisted more than 2,000 foreign investment in the form of private limited companies in Indonesia.


Document collection

Business name screening

Issuance of Deed of Establishment

Company tax number registration

Business Identification Number acquiring

Congrats! You have established your company!

Discuss Your Needs with Easybiz

Based on your needs, our team will give you comprehensive guidance to prepare your private limited companies establishment. No need to worry. Easybiz has assisted more than 2,000 foreign investment in the form of private limited companies in Indonesia.

Contact Us and Get Special Price

Limited offer

Price starts from

IDR 15 mio*

You will get:

  • 1
    Business name
  • 2
    Deed of Establishment (DOE)
  • 3
    Decree of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights
  • 4
    Taxpayer Identification Number
  • 5
    Supplement to Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia
  • 6
    Business Identification Number
  • 7
    Standard Certificate
  • 8
    Bank Accounts
  • 9
    Virtual Office (1 Year)

*Exclude VAT 11%, estimated completion time in 30 working days

Our Happy Clients

Very professional, responsive, and most importantly trustworthy and responsible. I have already recommended Easybiz to three colleagues and will not hesitate to continue entrusting Easybiz with legal administration needs.
Andika Sudarmanclient-0

Andika Sudarman

CEO, Sejuta Cita

Easybiz really helped me set up a company. All complicated needs and processes became very easy and smooth. With Easybiz express service I have my company established with all the proper legality documents in 4 days only! Thank you very much for the great service. Very responsive communication and great results!
Andi Alamclient-1

Andi Alam

Founder, T.A.G Indonesia

Frequent Asked Questions

What is the minimum capital requirement for establishing private limited companies?
Any minimum investment requirement for establiching private limited companies?
What is the maximum share ownership for private limited companies?
When should shareholders contribute capital to the company's bank account?

Pelajari Kebutuhan Lebih Lanjut

Definisi PT dan Cara Pendiriannya Berdasarkan UU Cipta Kerja

Prosedur dan syarat terbaru pendirian PT di tahun 2021 dipermudah untuk memperbaiki ekosistem investasi; kemudahan, perlindungan, dan pemberdayaan UMKM; serta kemudahan berusaha pada umumnya. Apa saja poin-poin penting yang wajib kamu ketahui?

31 December 2020Bacaan 5 Menit

Prosedur dan Syarat Pendirian PT Telah Diperbaharui, Inilah Informasi Terbarunya

Untuk bisa memahami prosedur dan syarat pendirian PT terbaru serta perizinan usahanya maka harus dikaitkan dengan aturan-aturan terbaru khususnya Undang-Unadng Cipta Kerja dan peraturan pelaksanaannya.

17 February 2020Bacaan 10 Menit

Prosedur dan Persyaratan Izin Operasional Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP)

Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LPK) telah membantu meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga kerja yang profesional, kompeten dan memiliki skill ahli di bidang usaha tertentu. Hal ini tentu saja dibutuhkan sehingga produktivitas dunia usaha khususnya di Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan melalui kualitas sumber daya manusia yang lebih baik lagi.

22 March 2021Bacaan 7 Menit

Aturan Main Mendirikan Perusahaan dengan Virtual Office

Untuk wilayah DKI Jakarta, pelaku usaha yang akan menggunakan jasa virtual office wajib memenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu, mencantumkan alamat virtual office, serta memperhatikan masa berlakunya. Selain itu, Easybiz punya tips khusus loh agar tidak salah pilih virtual office!

14 December 2020Bacaan 6 Menit

Have more questions?

Contact Us

Easybiz is a subsidiary of that offers easy and convenient solutions in legality for doing business in Indonesia. We provide We provide business establishment and licensing services for SMEs and startups in Indonesia, ranging from the process of establishing a private limited (PT), domicile registration, to handling the necessary permits to start a business.

PT Justika Solusi Indonesia, AD Premier Office Park 9th Floor, Jl. TB Simatupang No. 5 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu Jakarta
📞: 963 963 71 618 26+

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all consultations and document submissions are conducted online.

Contact Us Here

Our Services

Consumer Complaint Services

Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order
Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia

📞: 0101 1111 358 26+


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